Lali, real name Magali Membré, was born in 1976 in Haute-Savoie.
At school her teacher already thought she was drawing too small.
With a degree in Fine Arts, she worked in a decorating store and then in a stationery bookstore.
Sensitive to children's literature and to the world of fancy stationery, she imagined game cards and proposed her first drawings to Éditions des Correspondances.
She has formed a tireless duo since 2017 with Sylvain GUICHARD. Together, they imagined the collection of mugs "Puce & Nino".
This is an extract from our collection. Catalog for professionals, on request.
This is an extract from our collection. Catalog for professionals, on request.
This is an extract from our collection. Catalog for professionals, on request.
This is an extract from our collection. Catalog for professionals, on request.